
Are Geeks A Lot More Passionate?

Relating to a recently available article from PC community, geeks include the majority of enchanting bunch of people available! Whether it’s guys to be able to better determine with tech-savvy ladies or just the inherently innovative nature of techier performances, it appears that geeks rule the on the internet and real life enchanting places. And men – there’s something to back up your own debate when individuals say geeks are no fun!

Exactly what in regards to the women? This article reports that geek girls (or “geekettes”) are more probably than their unique non-tech savvy fellow femmes to have more vigorous personal live. This results in delving into the internet dating scene and also other tech-based social pursuits like FourSquare, Brightkite and area or local teams like Meetup.com. And so the bottom line is actually: nothing’s wrong with getting a little bit of a geek, specially when you’re out and looking for really love.

If you should be however slightly skeptical regarding the attraction of “geekdom,” we’ve built a summary of awesome things that geeks provide the internet dating dining table:

  • Great buyers – a geek knows his / her way around shopping online. Let them have a mouse and a laptop and they’ll click their strategy to shopping satisfaction.
  • They’re connected – whenever you come across a fellow nerd on an online dating website, they are apt to be much better with emails and interacting before the very first big date. Tech is the niche, therefore make use of some great mail banter!
  • Oh-so-resourceful – Since a geek knows their unique method around a personal computer think regarding capacity to make use of the area heartbeat. Alive songs, regional occasions, flicks and supper reservations – the choices tend to be unlimited. Need one thing researched and prepared? Provide it with to a geek!
  • Simply convenient – it is not so very bad having a techie near by. Believe iPhone snarls, mobile phone questions, mp3 grab and home theatre system nearby hookups. Often you merely cannot beat “geek” for answering the concerns posed by modern technology.